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Charity Trustee

We are recruiting for members of the community to join our Board of Trustees!

Our trustees are volunteers who bring a diverse range of skills, some relevant knowledge or experience together with enthusiasm to help us make a difference.

The Role Of A Trustee

The board of trustees is a group that bring independent judgement and experience based on commercial, financial, legal or governance expertise from outside the organisation.

Trustees have overall control of the charity, decide how it is run and are responsible for making sure it is doing what it was set up to do.

Being a trustee means making decisions that will impact upon people’s lives and make a difference to the local community. The commitment includes monthly board meetings, involvement with the sub-committees, board training and the promotion of our organisation.

There are 6 main duties:

  • To ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit

  • To comply with the charity’s governing document and the law

  • To act in the charity’s best interests

  • To ensure the charity is accountable

  • To manage the charity’s resources responsibly

  • To act with reasonable care and skill.

It is about using your skills and experience to make balanced and informed decisions, managing risks, protecting assets and people, recognising and dealing with conflicts of interest in order to help the charity to achieve its aims and objectives.

Trustees should have a strong personal commitment to the aims and objectives of our mental health charity.

If you are over 18 years of age and can identify with any one of the following skills or experience (or similar) we would love to hear from you.

  • Experience of professional leadership

  • Experience of financial planning & management

  • Experience of strategic planning/project management

  • Clinical knowledge & experience

  • Awareness/personal experience of the challenges faced by Mental Health issues

  • Knowledge/understanding of the issues relating to the provision of Mental health services

  • Experience of supported housing

  • Strong links with the local community/local business

  • Experience of the 3rd/voluntary sector

If you are interested in becoming a trustee for SECE MIND or have any questions, please get in touch with Caroline Grant, our CEO via to express your interest and tell us a little about yourself. We will be in touch to arrange a meeting with you and some of the trustees to discuss the role further.

About Our Charity

South East and Central Essex Mind has been successfully supporting mental health in the local community since 1966. Our aim is to ensure everyone susceptible to, or experiencing mental health issues is given all the help, support and guidance needed to enable them to cope more easily and effectively. Early intervention can ease the situation for those with mental health concerns and provide support for their families. We provide supported housing, mental health training and early intervention support and signposting, PACE support and specialist counselling for both adults and children.